Virtual Children's Worship

We are excited to announce that we are kicking things back off with Children's Worship (virtually, of course!) We have some great things planned and can't wait to share more information in the next coming weeks. Fill out the form below to let us know if you would be interested in having your children participate.


(Please note, we will be hosting our Virtual Children's Worship via Zoom)

Child's Information

Tip: Please only enter your child's shirt size.

Tip: If your child has any allergies, please list in the box above.


While we are in the planning phases of our virtual worship experience, we are accepting votes on what best time suites our parents to maximize participation. Cast your vote below!

Consent & Authorization

Tip: Please note, these virtual sessions will be recorded and emailed to our database of other parent's to watch with their kids in the event they weren't able to attend. The video content can potentially be shared to parents outside of our database. Additionally, photographs may be taken for social media purposes.